The importance of taking time out!


Today I have spent a wonderful day at a spa, relaxing, catching up with a close friend and generally clearing my mind and enjoying some much needed time out from the hectic routine that’s my life.
Below is the link to the spa in Sherwood Forest >>>>>

I am incredibly lucky I have two fantastic children and a life that’s full of family and friends but actually taking a day for myself I do find somewhat hard.
I find it difficult and have in the past considered myself selfish but really it is so important to value yourself and have that realisation that occasionally it is necessary to have some me time….

It helps recharge, rejuvenate and readjust all making actually for a better clearer mind, more efficient and calmer you….
Now who wouldn’t buy into that…


We all play so many roles, I sometimes think I’m an actress,
we are parents, possibly grandparents, lovers, partners, spouses, daughters, sons siblings, friends, work colleagues, volunteers, writers, the list is endless.

There has to be a little time to be just yourself, down time, clearing the mind, if not I think we could all just burn out….

Importance of me time!

Burning out is perhaps a metaphor but very real with more people having breakdowns, suffering with depression and stress related mental health issues are on the increase.
The importance of valuing ourself has never been as important as now, more women are having children and then returning to their careers.
Adding these modern day pressures it can only lead to stress related illness.
So take heed now and consider these simple rules….
Prevention is always preferable to cure.

My list!!!!

• Give yourself at least 20 minutes everyday, sitting clearing your mind, a coffee, a quiet place, reflection.
This simple exercise will make such a difference.

• If you can awake first and get that first ten minutes alone with a cup of tea or squeezed lemon and warm water, then time to think about the day ahead, it will set you in the right direction.

• Allowing some time away once in a while, doing something you enjoy, in the company of someone you like.

• Not feeling guilty and remembering you have to be ok, fit and well, physically and mentally, so enabling you therefore to look after other’s, to be the best you can,and be successful and fair.

• learning and having the ability to say no if it isn’t convenient…..

In the attitude of silence the soul finds the path in a clearer light, and what is elusive and deceptive resolves itself into crystal clearness.
— Mohandas K. Gandhi


This is a simple exercise and straightforward and achievable, so please do go practice and see your energy levels grown, your mind become clearer and an all round inner peace materialise sooner…..

You are special and do deserve time for yourself……
